Health and Medical Treatment e-Visa for Georgia

Georgia has become a leading destination for medical tourism due to its strategic location and advanced healthcare facilities. The introduction of the Georgia eVisa for Health and Medical Care meets the growing demand from international patients. This single-entry visa, valid for up to 180 days, grants access to various medical services, including dental care, plastic surgery, and orthopaedics, in both public and private medical institutions. With a simple online application process and diverse medical options, Georgia is a popular choice for those seeking high-quality healthcare experiences.

Health and Medical Treatment e-Visa for Georgia

Eligibility Criteria for Obtaining Georgia's eVisa 

To qualify for Georgia's eVisa for Health and Medical Treatment, applicants must meet the following requirements:

- The purpose of travel must be to seek medical treatment in Georgia for a specific health condition.

- Applicants must provide a letter from a recognised medical institution in Georgia confirming the need for medical treatment within the country.

- Possession of a valid passport with a minimum validity of 6 months from the intended entry date into Georgia.

- Demonstration of sufficient financial means to cover the costs of medical treatment and the stay in Georgia.

- Applicants must not threaten public health or national security within Georgia.

- Applicants must have a clean criminal record without any prior convictions.

Medical Conditions Eligible for Georgia's eVisa for Health and Medical Care

Georgia's eVisa for Health and Medical Care is intended for individuals seeking treatment for various medical conditions within the country. The following health concerns qualify for this eVisa category:

  • Cancer treatments
  • Cardiac conditions and heart diseases
  • Neurological disorders and associated treatments
  • Orthopaedic conditions requiring medical intervention
  • Renal disorders and related treatments
  • Organ transplantation procedures
  • Infertility treatments and assisted reproductive therapies such as In Vitro Fertilisation (IVF)
  • Dental treatments necessitating surgical procedures
  • Eye surgeries and specialised ophthalmic treatments

Mandatory Documentation Requirements for Georgia's eVisa

To apply for Georgia's eVisa for Health and Medical Care, applicants must submit the following documents:

- A valid passport with a minimum remaining validity of 6 months from the intended date of entry into Georgia.

- A recent passport-sized photograph adhering to the specified requirements.

- An official letter from a recognised medical institution in Georgia confirming the necessity for medical treatment within the country. This letter should clearly outline the applicant's medical condition, the proposed treatment plan, and the anticipated duration of treatment.

- Evidence of sufficient financial resources to cover the costs associated with the required medical treatment and the duration of stay in Georgia. This may include bank statements, a letter from the applicant's employer, or other relevant financial documentation.

- A detailed travel itinerary, including flight details and accommodation arrangements.

- Proof of payment for the requisite visa application fee.

In certain cases, additional documentation may be mandated, such as medical reports, X-ray results, or other relevant medical records. It is advisable to consult with the relevant authorities or the medical institution in Georgia to ensure compliance with any specific documentation requirements pertaining to the applicant's medical condition and proposed treatment plan.

Step-by-Step Guide to Applying for Georgia's eVisa for Health and Medical Care

To obtain Georgia's eVisa for Health and Medical Care, applicants must follow these steps:

  1. Access the official eVisa portal website and click the "Georgia eVisa application form" button.
  2. Create a personal account by providing a valid email address and a secure password.
  3. Complete the online eVisa application form by entering accurate personal details, passport information, and travel itinerary.
  4. Upload the required supporting documents, including the letter from a recognised medical institution in Georgia, confirming the need for medical treatment within the country.
  5. Make the necessary visa application fee payment online using a credit or debit card.
  6. Submit the completed application and await confirmation regarding the approval or denial of the eVisa request.
  7. If approved, download and print a copy of the eVisa document for presentation upon arrival in Georgia.

It is advisable to initiate the eVisa application process at least 5 working days before the intended date of entry into Georgia. The standard processing time for eVisa applications is typically 5 working days, although in some cases, additional time may be required, especially if supplementary documentation is requested.

Upon arrival in Georgia, applicants must present a printed copy of the approved eVisa and their valid passport and other relevant documents to the immigration authorities. Applicants may also be required to undergo a medical examination to verify their stated health condition and confirm the necessity for the proposed medical treatment.

Time Frame for Processing Georgia's eVisa for Health and Medical Care

The standard processing time for Georgia's eVisa for Health and Medical Care applications is typically 5 working days from the submission date. However, applicants should be prepared for potential delays in certain cases, particularly if additional documentation is required or if the application undergoes further scrutiny.

Applicants should initiate the eVisa application process well before their intended entry date into Georgia. This proactive approach allows sufficient time for the application to be processed without any last-minute complications.

Furthermore, applicants must ensure that all required documents are correctly uploaded and that the information in the application form is accurate and complete. Failure to do so may result in unnecessary delays in the processing of the application.

In urgent situations, applicants may request expedited processing of their eVisa application by paying an additional fee. To inquire about this expedited service, applicants should consult with the relevant authorities or the medical institution in Georgia where they intend to receive treatment.

Guidelines for a Successful Georgia eVisa Application for Health and Medical Care

Discover how to successfully apply for the Georgia eVisa for Health and Medical Care, unlocking access to top-tier medical treatments amidst Georgia's rich cultural heritage and advanced healthcare facilities.

  • Ensure Eligibility: Verify that you meet all eligibility requirements, such as possessing a specific medical condition and presenting a letter from a recognised medical institution, along with a passport valid for at least 6 months from the intended entry date.
  • Compile Required Documents: Gather necessary documents, including the medical institution's letter, proof of financial means, and travel plans, ensuring accurate upload within the application form.
  • Thorough Application Review: Carefully review the application form for accuracy and completeness to prevent delays or rejection, rectifying any errors or inconsistencies beforehand.
  • Apply in Advance: Submit the eVisa application well ahead of your planned entry date, preferably at least 5 working days in advance, to accommodate processing time.
  • Monitor Application Status: Regularly check the application's progress and address any delays or issues promptly with relevant authorities or the designated medical institution in Georgia.
  • Prepare for Medical Examination: Anticipate a medical examination upon arrival in Georgia to assess health conditions and treatment necessities, bringing along pertinent medical records for assistance.

Benefits of Georgia's eVisa for Health and Medical Care over Conventional Medical Tourism

There are various benefits to Georgia's eVisa for Health and Medical Care in contrast to traditional medical tourism:

  • Efficient Application Process: The online eVisa application allows faster and more convenient processing than the traditional method, which often entails in-person visits to medical facilities.
  • Cost Savings: Georgia's developing medical tourism industry typically offers lower treatment costs than many Western countries, leading to significant patient financial savings.
  • Top-notch Medical Facilities: Georgia boasts modern medical facilities staffed by highly trained professionals, ensuring high-quality care like those found in Western Europe and the United States.
  • Language Accessibility: With English widely spoken, communication barriers are minimised in Georgia's medical sector, enhancing the overall patient experience.
  • Visa-free Travel Access: The eVisa grants entry without needing a traditional visa, streamlining the process and eliminating associated time and cost burdens for patients.


To apply for a Georgia visa for health and medical care, you typically need to contact the embassy or consulate in your country or visit the government's official website to obtain information about the application process and required documentation.

Individuals seeking medical treatment or health-related services in Georgia may be eligible to apply for a visa. Eligibility criteria may vary depending on the specific medical condition and treatment sought, so it's advisable to consult with relevant authorities or healthcare providers.

Required documents may include a valid passport, a letter from a medical institution in Georgia confirming the need for treatment, proof of financial means to cover medical expenses, a travel itinerary, and any other documents deemed necessary by the embassy or consulate.

Processing times for a Georgia visa for health and medical care may vary depending on the embassy or consulate and the specific circumstances of the application. It's advisable to apply well before your planned travel dates to allow for sufficient processing time.

In some cases, it may be possible to extend your stay in Georgia for medical treatment. However, this typically requires approval from the relevant authorities and may involve additional paperwork and documentation. It's essential to consult with your healthcare provider and immigration authorities for guidance on extending your stay.

Apply eVisa